Cliff Chenfeld - Brand Innovators

Cliff Chenfeld

Owner, Razor & Tie

Cliff Chenfeld co-founded and was co-CEO of Razor & Tie, an independent music company that included a label, a music publishing company and the kids’ audio brand Kidz Bop.  Razor + Tie had numerous Gold and Platinum records and was one of the largest independently owned music companies in the United States.  Chenfeld and his partner Craig Balsam sold Razor + Tie in 2018. 

Chenfeld is partner in several music festivals including WonderBus (Columbus, Ohio) and WonderWorks (Pittsburgh).

He has been the executive producer of a number of films including Joan Baez: How Sweet The Sound, Serious Moonlight and Concussion.

He is the host of the radio show Modern Sounds on which airs on a variety of NPR platforms and on which he plays and speaks about new music for busy listeners who are looking for help in discovering new artists.  The show can be streamed here:

Chenfeld also curates the Modern Sounds playlist on Spotify which he updates regularly with new music.  Here is a link to the playlist:

Chenfeld grew up in Columbus, Ohio, graduated from Ohio State and NYU Law School and practiced law for 5 years before starting Razor & Tie.