When is a milk mustache not a milk mustache? When it’s plant-based milk.
Silk is using the iconic milk mustache in a new advertising campaign to entice the next generation of milk drinkers to try its plant-based Nextmilk product. (Though, notably, the brand is calling it a “Silk ‘Stache,’ rather than using the full word.) The imagery, first used in advertising for dairy-based milk in 1995, is intended to convince skeptics that Nextmilk tastes like milk, but with less sugar.
“Our research shows that roughly half of consumers want a plant-based option that tastes like dairy,” said Olivia Sanchez, vice president of marketing, plant-based beverages for Danone North America. “We hope the plant-based ‘stache – and the message of plant-based as a changing of the guard in the beverage aisle – will speak to our younger fans.”
The campaign features up-and-coming artists (and children of those featured in the original campaign) Brooklyn Peltz Beckham, Ella Bleu Travolta, Myles O’Neal (and his siblings) and Sailor Brinkley Cook in out-of-home and social media advertising. In each of the ads, the individuals sport a white upper lip and are holding a glass of NextMilk. Ad copy touts the product’s health benefits and declares Nextmilk to be “a better milk.”
“With help from the faces of the next generation, we’re showing just how easy it is to reach for and enjoy plant-based beverages like Silk Nextmilk,” Sanchez said. “As a leader in the plant-based category, we recognize that the next generation is interested in incorporating more plant-based options into their lifestyles.”
In addition to the social and out-of-home campaign, Silk has created a filter for TikTok where people can place a Silk ‘Stache on their videos. Those that do will be eligible to win a year’s worth of Silk Nextmilk and be featured in a Times Squire billboard ad.
“We wanted to give our everyday consumers the ability to rock a plant-based ‘stache with us and hopefully enjoy a glass of Silk Nextmilk in the process,” Sanchez said. “The filter encourages our consumers to declare ‘I’m Next!’ and see themselves as an extension of our campaign.”