Rockstar Energy gives people their moment - Brand Innovators

Rockstar Energy gives people their moment

  • Rockstar Energy has launched a new marketing campaign, themed “You Can Own Any Moment,” suggesting the beverage’s energy-boosting ingredients can help people become the best versions of themselves. 
  • The new campaign is based on a company-backed study in which the brand tested its Rockstar Energy formulas on nearly 80 individuals, evaluating consumers’ physical and mental energy levels over a period of 12 hours. 
  • The campaign coincides with new brand visuals that highlight the sustained energy benefits and caffeine content, as well as the availability of Rockstar Focus, which launched in late January. 

The energy drink category is a crowded one, and brands need to do what they can to stand out. Rockstar Energy’s bid is to claim science is on its side with the new campaign and proprietary study. According to the brand’s press materials, the study “validated” that Rockstar’s formulas with at least 160 mg of caffeine are optimal for delivering sustained mind and body energy for up to five hours.

“The result of this scientific study is a huge win for us as a brand, and our goal is to educate our fans about the importance of sustained energy so they can access and optimize every version of themselves,” said Fabiola Torres, general manager and chief marketing officer of the energy category at Pepsico, in a statement. 

The new campaign includes a 60-second video commercial that depicts a young woman opening and drinking a Rockstar Energy Drink in a parking lot. As she exits the car, the woman splits into six different personas who engage in different activities. One is swimming laps, another is dancing along a boardroom table, another plays tennis, while a fourth heads to a museum. Throughout the spot, the words “sustained” and “energy” appear in various places to reinforce the brand promise. By the end of the spot, all of the personas reconverge into one at the car.

“Our team looks forward to continuing to amplify the ‘You Can Own Any Moment’ campaign in the coming months, further showcasing how the right kind of energy can support both the mind and body, and truly allow you to conquer anything,” Torres said.